OMET Americas Inc. moves to larger premises
Since its opening in 2011, OMET Americas Inc. has grown into a Sales and Service structure with a Team of specialists following the North, Central and South American territories. Because of the fast development of the company’s reach and the expansion of an internal sales structure, it was time to enlarge the concern premises.
It is worth of note that sales in North America have doubled in 2015 with respect to the previous years, with installations at many important players in the label and packaging business. The punctual assistance supplied by OMET Americas Inc., and the possibility of rapid on-site interventions and priority phone assistance, have concurred to the achievement of such an important result.
As a result, OMET Americas Inc. has moved to a new location, though reconfirming the strategic position in the State of Illinois. Starting from November 23, 2015, the new address of OMET Americas Inc. is:
1291 Brummel Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (USA)
New Phone: + 1 847 621 2369 New Fax: + 1 847 621 2441
OMET subsidiaries in the world, located in America, China and Spain, offer the possibility of 24/24 h 7/7 call center available for customers and a full coverage of local marketing issues.