OMET is once again a “Welfare Champion”: awarded in Rome for the Welfare Index PMI 2024

Stories of excellence

Once again this year, OMET stands out among Italian companies for its investments in corporate welfare, receiving the prestigious “Welfare Champion” award within the “Welfare Index PMI 2024” survey promoted by Generali Italia with the Patronage of the Prime Minister’s Office. The ceremony was held yesterday, June 13th, in Rome: 142 Italian companies were awarded during the presentation of the eighth edition of the Report, which involved over 7,000 companies of all productive sectors and all sizes.

The massive participation in this edition of the survey—supported by the main Italian Confederations, including Confindustria, Confagricoltura, Confartigianato, Confprofessioni, and Confcommercio—has more than tripled compared to the first edition, demonstrating the growing importance of corporate welfare as a strategic lever for the competitiveness and sustainability of Italian SMEs. The 2024 report highlights that corporate welfare is now mature and widespread throughout the national territory, with an increasing number of companies adopting advanced welfare policies (75% of SMEs have at least a medium level of corporate welfare).

The highest rating (5W) was awarded to 142 companies (they were 22 in 2017). OMET, with its constant commitment to corporate welfare and its long-standing focus on the quality of life of its employees and their families, reaffirms its status as a “top player” for the fourth consecutive year.

“We are extremely proud to receive the ‘Welfare Champion’ award for the fourth consecutive year,” commented OMET President Antonio Bartesaghi. “Not out of simple pride, but because we hope that this survey and the example of companies like ours that invest in welfare can serve as a model for those who don’t yet. I firmly believe that people are the most valuable resource of a company and a fundamental asset to invest in. This award is the result of our constant commitment to creating a work environment that values people’s time, supports them in balancing work and family life, and contributes to the sustainable development of the territory. The belief that these factors are crucial for the company’s competitiveness and foster a virtuous cycle, as shown by the numbers presented today in Rome, drives us to continue on this path.”

SMEs are indeed a reference point for communities thanks to their presence throughout the territory and their proximity to families: according to the data, businesses reach 44% of Italian families.

The conference, attended by Hon. Eugenia Maria Roccella, Minister for Family and Equal Opportunities, and Senator Gaetano Nastri, was an opportunity to reflect on the collaboration between the State and companies to support families in balancing life and work, a central theme for the country’s future.
The Welfare Index PMI 2024 report emphasizes how corporate welfare not only contributes to employees’ well-being but is also an indicator of effective business management. Companies with a high level of welfare show higher revenue and gross operating margin growth and lower debt. The well-being of families thus seems to directly reflect on the productivity and competitiveness of companies.

All participants hope for greater stability in welfare and fringe benefit regulations to offer companies and families a long-term horizon that would allow them to take greater advantage of the opportunities created.

The press release and video of the event are available here:

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