50 years: a stage to look ahead. The miracle of “a man of good will” leader of a large company
It is with great regret that we learned that Emilio Gerboni, a consultant who gave so much to the flexo printing sector and to OMET, had died. He was a passionate, helpful, available and kind gentleman standing out for his qualities in any occasion: his energy and curiosity were able to overcome any obstacle. We want to remember him with the same words he used about OMET on the occasion of our 50th anniversary, in 2013, talking about his experience with OMET and with our founder Angelo Bartesaghi, with whom he shared the same ideals: “What defines the greatness of a company is the strength and intelligence of its people, not just its productive capacity”. Today we can imagine them together discussing new projects up there.
“What determines the size of a company is not so much its manufacturing capacity but the strenght and intelligence of the men who are part of it.” This is a concept that I fully endorse in 60 years of business in the global market. Travelling around the world to promote the products of a multinational graphic company (3M) and a renown Italian brand in the pre-press sector (Policrom Screens), as well as spreading the culture of graphic communication in the spirit of TAGA (Technical Association of Graphic Arts), I had the opportunity to get to know the realities of publishing printing and the packaging and converting industry, both in terms of large groups and small to medium companies.
I’ve always noticed that success is the combination of individual and collective will, which shape and define a functioning business. on a national level, participation in ACiMGA taught me to understand and appreciate a leader among Italian entrepreneurs who built his success on this principle: Angelo Bartesaghi, founder and President of OMET, a company that established itself worldwide with an extensive range of printing and converting machines at the forefront of technological innovation. He used his knowledge and skill in the early 1980s to build great esteem that developed into open collaboration, sincere friendship, and the sharing of common ideals. I have followed the development of OMET with great interest for more than 30 years, and have always enjoyed the optimism of Mr Bartesaghi (Mr Angelo to his friends and co-workers) that allowed him to face the future with great confidence. even in difficult times of internal problems or economic downturn in the industry sector, Mr Angelo would reassure me by recounting the progress he had made in the course of his professional career. He used to point out that, despite the difficulties, his business had always grown year on year because he knew how to implement teamwork based on full co-operation between the management and the workforce: “look how many innovative solutions we have developed for our lines, many of which are exclusive and patented! it is this capacity for innovation that allows us to meet the needs of the converter, and attract new customers and markets. And this only happens because my team of design engineers and production staff are all actively engaged in a process of constant development, carried out with passion and true professionalism. The management and sales force also play a part in helping me keep track of the company’s financial welfare by not stepping into the danger areas of selling too cheaply or extending payment terms to companies that are not credit-worthy.” Today, thinking of dear Mr. Angelo that a year ago left us prematurely, I analyze the reasons that led me to appreciate the strong personality and the unquestioned stature of a modern entrepreneur. Bartesaghi was first and foremost a “man of good will” in the Christian sense of the term and his intrinsic goodness of spirit manifested itself in his jovial smile and in true cordiality with which he conquered the interlocutors. How many times, meeting him at trade fairs in various parts of the world or in the company corridors, he invited me to share the good things that were offering the circumstances: the interest for a new technological solution to the satisfaction for a successful sale, or the pleasure of a convivial moment while tasting the delights of Italian cuisine! His positive approach to the problems for the development of simple and reliable solutions sprang from an optimistic view of life and work, the fruit of his deep religious faith and innate respect for human values, primarily those of his employees. To all this, it must be added the fundamental value of the family, the cornerstone of his life and business, to whom he gave liberally energies and feelings as an exemplary husband, father and grandfather. recalling the fascinating figure of Angelo Bartesaghi, creator and animator of OMET, I ideally follow the path of this solid company happily come to the stage of half a century of history. I got in contact with the company from Lecco in the 1980s, when it had already passed the “childhood and adolescence” phase and was experiencing the tumultuous adventure of “youth” involved in the early conquests of foreign markets. The automatic lines for the production of napkins and the narrow web presses for labels of first generation were entering with difficulty in a reality dominated by large international competing brands. Already then, Angelo Bartesaghi aimed at building an image of accuracy and quality round simple, though fully reliable machines. Soon the creative inspiration of the founder and of its designers took the form of innovative solutions that led to the creation of faster machines and increased productivity. The first perusal of gearless and the multi-process configuration with in-line die-cutting groups dates back to that period. OMET was bound to dominate the scene in the most important trade fairs such as Drupa, Converflex, ipex, Tissue World, Labelexpo, CMM, Fiepag, etc. The birth of the prestigious houseorgan “Archipelago” gave further fame to the brand OMET in the international arena, while the enhancement of sales thanks to the arrival of Marco Calcagni, Angelo Bartesaghi’s son-in-law, soon led to the creation of subsidiaries in Germany, North America, Spain and China and a dense network of distributors in all continents. in the period between the last century and the new century, the technological solutions of OMET conquered the global market of tissue converting with new machines for napkins and handkerchiefs production. TV 503, TV 504, TV 840, AS 2600 and Niagara and the multi-process presses xflex, flexy, flexy-S and Varyflex, were characterized by innovative and patented systems including the exclusive rotary die-cutting group “Monotwin Cut” and the screen printing unit “Screen Cast” – with independent motor – and the modular “Holo foil King,” inserted in line in narrow-web lines for labels and cardboard printing. I remember with pleasure a visit to a customer of OMET, CGMP of Tuffe, the French leader in the production of paper napkins having numerous machines OMET TV 500-503 series. The owner, Monsieur Henri Stepack, was proud for having chosen OMET back in 1975 and kept addressing to this Italian manufacturer well known for the absolute reliability of its high speed automated lines, thanks to which he had conquered and increased consumer preferences throughout France and Europe.
Many are the prestigious awards from reputable organizations, such as the “Flexotech international Print & innovation Awards 2005”, the “Chinese Tobacco Award 2007”, the “Confindustria Awards for excellence 2007,” the “AfTA Award 2007″, “The innovation Award 2008″of the American flexographic Technical Association and the” label Award for continuous innovation 2010″ by the Labelexpo group. A crescendo of statements in the global market confirm the validity of the slogan of the company: “innovation with Passion.” Continuous innovation and
passion for the creation of high-tech products that meet the expectations of the converting industry in every part of the world are the essence of a “mission” bequeathed by Angelo Bartesaghi and validated by half a century of success.
This 50th Anniversary is certainly an important milestone to celebrate with joy and complete satisfaction for the long path taken by the protagonists, but also provides an opportunity to look ahead to new goals, facing the market challenges.
By Emilio Gerboni (2013)